AI Transparency Statement for Twisted Brackets

At Twisted Brackets, I value transparency in the creation of my blog posts and articles. To enhance the clarity and depth of my writing, I use generative AI tools to assist in drafting and refining content. These tools help me articulate complex topics more effectively and ensure that my posts resonate with readers.

However, it is important to note that all of the content and subject matter discussed on this site are based entirely on my own knowledge, experience, and insights. The role of AI is strictly supportive—providing suggestions for phrasing or helping organize ideas. Every piece of AI-generated content undergoes thorough review and editing to ensure that the final message aligns with my intentions and accurately reflects the ideas I aim to communicate.

While I leverage AI to improve the writing process, the core of Twisted Brackets remains firmly grounded in my personal expertise. AI is used solely for content assistance and research. No other AI functionalities, such as tracking or personalized recommendations, are implemented on this site.

I am committed to maintaining this transparent approach and to using AI responsibly, ensuring that Twisted Brackets continues to be a reflection of my authentic voice and knowledge.

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